Monday, November 25, 2013

Blog 2



Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has won the annual Hunger Games with fellow district Peeta Mellark.

Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark: both winners of the 74th Hunger Games.

However, it was a victory won by defiance of the Capitol and their harsh, cruel rules that oppressed everyone.

After all, they have won everything they could ever wish for: money, luxuries, and plentiful stuff.  

Katniss and Peeta as the faces of the rebellion.  
However, this year nothing will be the same...
Knowing that not even the strongest of the strongest cannot defy the Capitol, twenty-four victors will be chosen to enter the Hunger Games....and only one will win.
Catching Fire is my favorite book of all three. It is when the rebellion against the Capitol starts and the spark of defiance starts "catching fire."



Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Assignment 7

1. Go to and look around it a little bit. Now go to Now why do you think the .com website is more exciting than the .org website? 
The .com is more for commercial than .org websites. The Disney website was promoting the new fantasy land of Disney and the .org website was showing information on a nonprofit organization named angels of life. The .com contains more animations and interaction than the .org website. The .org website just displays the information without any pretty pictures or organizations. 

2. Why do you think the Disney website has more hyperlinks, advertisements, and other distracting options to click on?
The Disney website since it's a commercial it has more hyperlinks to take you to other pages to buy stuff or  advertisements to promote different things for Disney.  The Disney website wants to trap your attention in any way it can. The nonprofit organization, on the other hand, just tells you about how the organization works and what it does. 

3. If you had to construct/create your own webpage from the beginning, what would you want it to be about and why?
I would want to do a website on the effects of drugs on people and how we can prevent people from using them. It would look professional, but fun at the same time with many animations and images. This would trap the attention of the users, and it would inform the users of the negative causes. 

4. How many programmers do you think would have to work with you to make your website possible? Would it seem impossible to construct/create a webpage by yourself? Why? 
To create my webpage I wouldn't need many programmers. I could do it by myself, however, it would be lots of work and very time consuming. Yes, it is possible to create a website. I've created only website in my life, and it wasn't very hard but it did take a lot of time.
5. What would you want to name your website? Type that name into the web-address bar, is it taken already?

6. Explain why webpages with flash videos, images, and color take longer to load than pages with only text?
Websites with more information such as images and color take longer to load due to the more megabytes it has to load. If a website only contained text, it would be quicker because of the smaller amount of text. Although websites with more color and images are more attention getting, websites with only text load faster.  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Hunger Games

Twenty-four are forced to enter into the arena...only one survives.

A New York Times best seller that revolves itself in the life of a teenage girl who is trying to survive in the ruins of which were once called North America. 

When Katniss's sister is picked to participate in the Hunger Games, Katniss steps in even though she knows this may be her death sentence. 

The story of Katniss Everdeen goes on in three amazing books: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay.

The Hunger Games Movie came out in March 2012.
This is the trailer of the first book:

The Catching Fire film will come out on November 22, 2013.

These are some Hunger Games blogs for #1 fans:

This song reminds me of the Hunger Games due to the rhythm of the melody: the hunger game's song

Friday, October 18, 2013

Assignment 7

1. What problems does the article mention that children run into when they use search engines?
Some of the problems that children face when using the internet are that they can't find what they are looking for. Children express themselves differently than adults, and so they do not have the same search skills as adults. For instance, children may write the whole question on the search bar instead of just writing clues or keywords.

2. What suggestions have been offered for how search engines can improve their product to lessen children’s problems searching?
Through children, engineers have found problems that not only children face but adults as well. They thought it would be easier if they introduce related searches. With that, you can add to what you are searching. Also, queries such as videos, pictures, or news.

3. Do you search using keywords or questions? How does the article characterize these two types of searching?
I usually type in keywords when I'm doing research. However, if I do type in a question Yahoo Answers and usually come out, and those aren't websites you can really rely on. Therefore, I always try to use keywords so that reliable websites can come out and not websites like wikianswers.

4. Have you tried using images or videos to search? How does the article characterize this type of searching?
No, I've never searched for information with pictures. When I research, I just use keywords  to find information on my topic through Google. If I need to find an image, that's when I use Google images.

5. What advice would you give to Internet search engine developers (like Google or Bing) for how they should improve their product? Do you think any of the improvements mentioned in the article are particularly promising? Why?
I believe they are efficient because we can see that some of these methods are already being used such as the voice control or the video searches and they have been very helpful. For instance, the voice recognition has been helpful for when you can't type. However, at times it doesn't understand what you're saying. Therefore that can improvement.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Assignment 6 questions

Do you think the results are 100% accurate? Why or why not?
Yes, I think the results are accurate because they show exactly what the person chose. It may not be the correct answer, but that is what the person doing the survey chose.
How much of an impact do you think the wording of the questions has on the answers you received?
I think that if it has a tricky wording, people will most likely fall for the trick. That is why we need to read carefully the instructions given to us to be able to answer correctly the question. A careless mistake can ruin your whole response.
Did you get the results you expected from your online polls? Why?
On most of them I did. On one of the polls, I thought I would get the same results form everyone, but instead I received a great variety of answers. Some fell for the trick of one of the wordy questions.
If you wanted to do an online poll with the students of Tecnologico de Monterrey asking them how much time and effort they spent doing homework this year, what are the steps you would take to complete that online poll?
I would construct a poll of multiple choice questions asking them about how many questions they would dedicate for each class after school. I would also do a construct an open answer poll where students would put their opinion on homework and what teachers and staff can do to give different types of polls.
Do you think online polling could help the administration of Tec de Monterrey find out more about their students? Or do you think that the results would not be accurate? Why or why not?
Yes, I believe online polls are a good method for the administration to learn about their students. This way they could find out how they could better the school and the activities that are offered. They can learn more about their students to see what they like or not and do activities based on that.
How do you think the results of your polls would be different if you asked your classmates the questions in person?
I think they wouldn't answer honestly because they would have to be telling the truth in front of everyone. If people had to answer anonymously, then more than likely they would answer honestly without worrying what others think of their answers.
In what ways do you think online polling using Google Spreadsheets can be improved? Or was it easier to create an online poll than you originally thought? Explain.
I had never created a poll before but it was very easy. From my experience, I don't think there's anything for Google Spreadsheets to improve.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Assignment 5

1. In your own words describe how the workplace culture at Google encourages innovation and unique creations for the company? How does working at Google and the environment there affect its workers?

Workers from Google company are smart and determined people from all over the world who have different backgrounds and cultures. Having a uniqye working place at google enables its workers to be in a place that they feel is like home, with freedom and some privileges. With this, Googlers get their minds going without being pressured and let the creativity in them to flow.

 2. How does employee freedom, like the 20% of free time Google encourages its employees to spend on any project they want, deliver better business?

This method of free time for employees gives workers the opportunity to be able to think and create their own ideas. In addition, it permits workers to create their own projects on their own time without being pressured. It increases innovation and productivity, low turnover, low sickness rates, and high employee satisfaction.

3. What are the requirements to work for Google? And what is different about the way they hire employees at Google?

To work at Google, you need to highly impress the interviewer by showing your intelligence and talent.  Most of the time, in interviews they ask you for your perspective on events or on how you would react to different situations. They also ask unique brainteaser that you had never heard before such as, "How would you weigh your head," or, "How may golf balls fit into an airplane?"Sometimes they even give people a Rubik's cube and see who solves it first.

4. How many search queries does Google handle a day?
more than 3 billion search queries

5. In your own words discuss how Google's constantly refined search algorithm changed the way we all access and even think about information.

The google algorithm makes our searches through the internet faster, easier, and more efficient. It is less time consuming than searching something in a book because instead with google you can find it in seconds. It made us have access to information in less than a second. We even invented the phrase "google it" because of how much we use it.

6. Take a look at the following story about Google's top secret data center. Now why would Google want to keep its server room as a secret?

Only certain employees are able to enter this top secret server room, not even one other person can take a peel inside. This room is so high-tech and stores so much information that google would not want another company stealing their multibillion idea. Google does not want any other company to have access to their information.

7. What are the benefits of working as a Google employee?

Google company will keep you healthy in all aspects, whether physically, emotionally, financially or socially. They offer convenient medical services, travel insurance and emergency assistance, reimbursement of classes and degrees, and legal aid for less. New parents get time off with their new born babies including some extra spending money. In the installations, workers have available a gym, clothing washers, spas, and great cafeterias all of which they could use at any time.

8. Name at least 5 different positions at Google (ex: software engineer, Google tester, interaction designer) and describe what they do?

SOFTWARE ENGINEER: develop next generation technologies, not only for Google search
GOOGLE TESTER: runs tests on new products finding death tests, fatal and non-fatal failures, assertions
INTERACTION DESIGNER: helps define the user model and user interface for new and existing google products and develops prototypes for products
RECRUITING COORDINATOR: responsible for the administration of employment processes in accordance with google's hiring guidelines and policies
SALES LEAD: help manage the team that evangelizes Google fiver services to MDU (multi-dwelling apartments and condos) and SMB owners

9. Talk about at least 3 projects that Google is currently working on. What do they want to accomplish? How long will they take to complete?

Home automation: not yet determined when it is going to be completed
NEST: not yet determined
Google X: not yet determined

10. Look at the following story about why recent college graduates should not work for Google. Why does the writer argue recent graduates should not work at Google?
The author believes it is better for graduates to not work in huge corporations like Google because they will only be part of the 30,000 employees that they have. Instead, graduates, if they have the initiative, should try to start their own companies even if they don't have the experience. If you have faith on something and you're willing to do it even if you fail, most likely you will be able to accomplish it.

11. How is Google the same or different than other search engines, like Yahoo or Bing?

Google, Yahoo, and Bing are all search engines that help you find information quickly. However, google is different from all of them because it gives more trustworthy information and more websites than both of them. Google is a very complete search engine that will hep you find what you are looking for in a fast and understandable way.